Sunday, June 5, 2011

In the Garden

Every day Andrew and his Daddy go and play "I Spy" in our garden looking for ripe vegetables to pick.  He is learning so much about plants and vegetables (so is his Daddy!)...the same things my parents taught me.  I love passing down little tid bits of info that he'll share with his own kiddos while caring for his own garden one day.

"So a tomato is a fruit?!"  
"Ew, look there's a squash bug get the 7-Dust!" 
"I still don't quite get how metal (iron) makes the leaves green..."
"Nope that ones not quite ripe enough."
"That blue water (Miracle Grow) helps our vega-tables get big!"
"No!  I wanna do that."  In reference to watering, fertilizing, squishing bugs, etc etc.
Just a few of my Bud's favorite quotes.

 The Day concentration face:  tongue out or moving over the lips with a furrowed brow. :)

 He had to have his own "pickin' basket" and of course it's black, one of his favorite colors.

My little Water Boy! ;)


  1. I'm glad he has his own basket. I didn't think the striped one was quite his style!

  2. He is such a mess Aunt Erin! You should see how he organizes everything he's pretty funny/creepy how much I see you in him sometimes. ;)
