Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Setting Up House

I'm pretty sure our moving boxes are multiplying behind my back,  I just can't seem to get them all unpacked!  It also doesn't help to have a few things at our camp, a few things at the condo, a few things here, a few thing there, a few things everywhere!...I'll stop before I start typing Old McDonald. :)  Needless to say unpacking, putting up, and decorating is taking a lot longer than I thought it would.

One thing that is done is the yard!
My amazing Mama drove 700 miles just to help me landscape our house!  Yep, she is that awesome.  I don't know how I would have done it without her.

My BF Emily!

It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it!

River Birch

All that hard work, now it's time to love on some Andrew!
Maw T! :)

I don't think people grow up "enough" to ever stop needing their moms.  When we're little we need them to survive  When we're teenagers we think we don't need them because we already know everything and we push them away.  As an adult?  I don't know about others but I know for sure that I've never needed my mom more!  I mean it's hard work growing up!  The older I get the larger the impact my decisions have on my life and on other's...I need more support now than I ever have!  And one thing is for sure my parents have always been their for me...no matter what, when, or where.  And oddly enough they really know what their talking about...If I could only tell that to my teenage self, she would really be shocked! ;)

Thanks Mama for all your help and for bringing every lego, baseball card, McDonald's toy, love letter, yearbook, and cassette tape back to me...I just don't know what I've done without them for the last umpteen years!!  
No really thanks. ;)

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