Monday, July 19, 2010

Lessons from my Mama

My Mama's comment on my last post is a testament to the God fearing, wonderful, caring, selfless person she is and it amazes me how much more comforting this is to me the older I get.  My Dad has always been a teacher by his example, "I'm disappointed in you" was always enough to bring tears to my eyes...but my Mom, like she said has the gift of gab, so she was the "talker of problems" in our family.  She always had her own "parables" for different experiences in life.

She is having a partial knee replacement Friday (her bad knees are probably a result of always being in her flower beds- and everyone else's mine included!- and from all of the years she has spent on her knees praying for her kids- I guess when there's SEVEN kids to pray for, bad knees are definitely an occupational hazard for a Mom!) so please keep her in your prayers for a quick, pain free recovery!  My Dad had both of his knees replaced last year and is doing great, we are praying for the same outcome for my Mom.  She has many more praying and gardening left to do.  Besides, I'm pretty sure when Drew and I have kids I'm going to need my own prayer team! ;)

A few lessons/quotes from my Mom, some are old, some are new, and some you may have heard from your own mom, but I've always written them down:

-Nothing improves our prayer life faster than BIG trouble. 
-Manners are the foundation of class.
-If you're gonna buy diamonds. (I think this one is originally Maw Maw Nita's)
-Time doesn't heal but it makes the hurt bearable.
-You can't hide sin.
-Men are more interested in a woman who is interested in him, than he is in the woman with beautiful legs.
-The father is the head of the house- The mother is the heart of the house.
-I wanted to give my children two things:  roots and wings.  (Mom you did well!)
-If you don't want the fruits of sin, stay out of the devil's orchard.
-Happiness doesn't mean there's never a conflict but having the ability to deal with it.
-Your smile is always more important than your outfit.
-Always know when to close your mouth before someone else wants to do it for you.
-Your problem is not the's your attitude about the problem.
-No one can make you feel little without your permission.

Today I called her and proclaimed, "Snails!!"  
She said, "What?!"  
I said, "Snails!  Snails are killing my agapanthus!"  
She laughed and said, "Oh...snails!"  The she proceeded to tell me to,"Bury a cup of beer until it's at ground level, snails like yeast so they'll crawl to the cup and fall in."  The woman is a wealth of knowledge! :) 

What do girls without Mama's do?!  I'm glad I don't have to figure that out.

One of my daylily blooms- I'm so proud!

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