Two months from today I'll be marrying the love of my life! The man I've always loved and always will! Two months from today I'll be Mrs. Andrew Day! Two months from today I'll officially be Andrew's step mom! I can't believe it, time is flying by. I sat on the couch last night addressing our wedding invitations while Drew researched restaurants for dinner after our ceremony and when I was finished I said, "I can't believe it's almost here!" Drew said, "I know it only took us how many years to get here?" Me: "Too many, but most of the detours were worth the lessons we learn." Drew: "If you're a bird, I'm a bird." Me: (Que melting heart) :) He's been saying that line for years and it still gets me every time. No matter where life has taken Drew and I somehow we never lost touch and somehow we always ended up right back in each others arms, and in two months we'll be each others forever. What's meant to be will always find a way- no person, circumstance, or event can stand in the way.
"May you live a thousand years, and I a thousand less one day; that I might never know the world without you." - Hungarian Traditional

Right now we have about 40 people making the trip to Vegas to witness the Jenkins-Day wedding, we are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family who want to be there showing their support on our BIG day. If you won't be making it to Vegas, shine up your party shoes for November 13th, we'll be celebrating our nuptials at our house then as well. :)
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