Sunday, February 20, 2011


Drew and I started a new "game" of sorts.  Evelyn McFarlane & James Saywell wrote a book of "If" questions called "If...(Questions for the Game of Life)."  We answer a few of the questions a week and I write them down in the book for Andrew and our own children to one day read.

Here's part of the Intro:

"If is the ultimate book about fantasy.  Each of its questions is meant to spark and tantalize the imagination.  They are a celebration of the human spirit, which loves to dream and needs to hope, but which can also fear and even grow angry.  Our ability to imagine is the remarkable give we have been given to lead us into joy and aspiration and out of despair or sadness, because common to all of us is the idea that there could be a different world, perhaps a better one."

I thought I would share a few of the questions we've answered to spark your own "Ifs."  You'll find that right behind the If question always comes a Why question.

  • If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so that you never had to do it again, what would it be?  Drew automatically answered brushing his teeth. "How great would it be to never have bad breathe are dirty teeth.  I was torn between blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth.  His argument persuaded me to go with the teeth brushing.
  • If you could read the private diary of someone you know personally, whose diary would you read?  Drew said Mama Day's.  I said my sister Stacie's. 
  • If you had to eat the same meal for the rest of your life, morning, noon, and night without worrying about nutrition what would you eat?  Drew:  Steak, Eggs, Potato, Biscuit.  Brooke:  My Mama's Pancakes, My Daddy's Lamb Chops, and Fresh Milk from Mr. Clinton's ( I was definitely a little specific on this one!)
  • If you had to die in one of history's disasters, which one would you pick?  Drew: The Titanic  Brooke:  Apollo 11

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