Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This house is for the birds!

Andrew definitely has the Day creative gene.  He loves to make things with his little hands!  I can remember when Drew and I first started dating (for the final time!), Andrew was a few months away from turning two.  Our first evening all together was spent making pine cone bird feeders between he and his Daddy eating all the peanut butter we barely had enough left for the birds.  They hung them up and he watched all kinds of birds eat the peanut butter and bird seeds.  Since then he's been fascinated with birds...they fall just behind cats!  I bet he would love watching Sylvester and Tweety Bird cartoons. :)  This year for his Daddy's birthday Andrew made him a bird house.  It turned out so cute, just like him!

 Our proud little builder!

Daddy on the phone with Bud while opening his present. :)

 Happy Birthday Daddy!

We're picking Andrew up THIS Friday!!  I can't wait to hug, squeeze, and kiss my baby's face!  This month is filled with happy events.  Andrew's here for a week and then shortly after that Drew and I are getting married!  It all seems so surreal!  I can't wait!!  It's perfect timing for Andrew to be home, when we're all together our hearts run over with love.  One positive thing about our blended family is that we never take our time together for granted.  I think the reason for this is partially due to the time Drew and I spent apart and the other is due to the amount of time we are apart from Andrew.  It's hard, it's not ideal, and it's no fun at all...but what we've learned is that our time together is too precious, too important, and too essential to who we are now to ever treat it as anything other than priceless. 

See you soon Bud-a-roo!

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