Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lovin' It!

I haven't posted a "Lovin' It" post in quite a while.  There are so many things I'm loving right now, so I thought I would share.

First and foremost, I'm loving my husband (always).  I sometimes wish he had an off button or at least a slow down button, but I know his mind is constantly going, learning, building, making, thinking, and lots of other   -ings.  Currently, he's building our new home, our best friends' new home, just finished my niece's home, selling the last of three homes he built tomorrow, managing a solar companies' projects in Lake Charles, selling the daiquiri shops, setting up a new show room at the flooring store, cooks, brings Andrew (and sometimes Jax) with him everywhere, loads/unloads the dishwasher...and right this very minute he's building some sort of lighting fixture out of an old cypress beam.  He. Never. Stops.  And I love him for it.  I'm not sure how I got so lucky!

Next, I'm loving our new place!  Saturday morning we woke up ate some breakfast and headed over to Wildwood Drive so Drew could do some concrete work on our freshly poured slab and so Andrew and I could do some fishing.  I think what I love the most about our new land is the potential it has for so many great memories for our boys!  Fishing, swimming, fourwheeling, bonfires...I just can't wait!  Do you ever just look at your life and think, "Man, I think I just might have it all?!"  That's how I felt about our life in a single moment on Saturday morning, when I took this picture.  I know so much can change in the blink of an eye.  But as I watched Andrew fishing and talking to Jax...I was overwhelmed with gratfulness to God for all he has blessed me with.

It's been pretty chilly here lately, I have been counting down the days until warmer weather would arrive.  Then last week we had a warm day and my Mom and I passed a snowball (not snowcone, snowball) stand that was...OPEN!  I yelled out loud, "Mom turn around!"  There was no way I was going to let a strawberry shortcake with extra cream (condensed milk) escape my tastebud's grasp!  It was delicious!  I wonder if I can find a dill pickle flavored snowball?  Hmmm....

Baby/nursery stuff!!  Between Ebay, Zulily, and Etsy every parcel carrier in town knows where we live.  While my Mom was in town we went to The Crafty Shack and ordered Baby Day's crib bedding.  I'm pretty excited about it!  It's hard to decorate a nursery that isn't built yet, but I'm still having so much fun!


I'm loving this dog.  He loves Andrew so much and vice versa.  If Jax and Andrew are in the same room Andrew treats him just like a person.  Holds a conversation with him, explains what he's doing, and Jax just looks at him like he's absorbing every word.  It's so funny and heart warming.  A dog and his boy.  I picture Andrew and Jax in the pond boat this summer trolling around fishing their hearts out.

And right this moment I'm loving the sounds of Andrew and Brady laughing as Jax chases them around the yard.  You know what's even better than that sound...the fact that Andrew is barefoot and chances are he doesn't even realize it!  He's not your typical "boy" he doesn't like to get dirty, or sweaty, or smelly, and for someone who loves to fish you can forget him baiting his own hook with a worm.  But every now and then he slips up and forgets about the dirt and becomes your typical sweaty faced, dirty handed boy and right now he could care less about anything else other than having fun! 

Happy Spring Break, Ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brooke, I love reading your blog so I nominated you for a fun little award over at my blog :).
